Ministry of Miracles
Twentieth Publication
"It is about confronting the enemy, not appealing to the enemy.
"It is better to have a millstone tied around your neck than to touch one of these little children."
In your lust for Global Dominion and Power you have embedded yourselves within the Institutions of our Nation. From Federal, State and Local Governments to School Boards, Teachers Unions and to all Agencies sworn to protect our children, you have found yourselves wanting.
You have imposed unauthorized parental consent and forced parental consent of mass inoculations upon our children. You also demanded covering the faces of our children to begin the desensitization process of their identity. You have assaulted our children with curriculums of hatred along with perverse teachings of confusion of sexual identity.
The crimes against our children are going to be exposed by the LIGHT OF TRUTH and Justice will be served.
"The influence of depravity that has seized this Nation through words and ideas of diminished capacity are going to face My Scrutiny.
Even the darkness is as light before Me. There will be no hiding place. According to the measure of what you have sown, so you shall reap.
The one you call god I have already defeated and for those who serve this one will fall under the same Judgements.
"I sit on the Throne of the Supreme Court of Heaven and My Verdicts shall stand."
"I The Lord, Have Spoken."
"In Jesus The Messiah,"
"Ministry Of Miracles"
Bari Fox CEO Founder
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