Ministry of Miracles

Eighteenth Publication


Laws are made to punish immorality, but now laws are being passed to honor-allow immorality.  This is how the darkness is using those in power and authority to pass laws legalizing immorality.


The moral code within these people is corruption.  The very fabric of morality within them is torn.  Their lack of conscience reveals them at their very core.  The only way to legalize immorality was to legislate immorality, giving lawlessness a path.


No longer containing immorality, but giving immorality a perverse legal right to exist and to free expression.  The darkness has found their hosts.  The Left Party of this nation, through the moral corruption of their souls, in their lust for greed and power and control, and in their insatiable appetite for covetousness, are now instruments of the darkness.


The battles lines are clearly drawn.  To those who honor life, whether in or out of the womb, embrace an ethical code of hard work, to those who choose to contribute to society, rather than being a drain on the very life of society are the “Wealth of a Nation.”


Consider the parasite.  The parasite latches on, always taking from its host and never giving.  To gorge oneself on someone else’s “accomplishments” is “Society’s Parasite.” To the animal kingdom, the parasite drains the blood of its host.


To humanity, it is the “sense of entitlement;” to gorge oneself on someone else’s “Accomplishments."

  "In Jesus The Messiah,"


                  "Ministry Of Miracles"


                        Bari Fox CEO Founder