Ministry of Miracles
Fifteenth Publication
“For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, and My Ways are not your
ways,” says Adonai. “As high a the sky is above the earth are My
Ways higher than your ways, and My Thoughts than your thoughts.
For just as rain and snow fall from the sky and do not return there,
but water the earth, causing it to bud and produce, giving seed to the
sower and bread to the eater; so is My Word that goes out from My
Mouth–it will not return to me unfulfilled; but it will accomplish what
I intend, and cause to succeed what I intend it to do.” [Isaiah 55:8-11]
The “Majesty Of His Word,” fulfilled with all virility, empowered with all Authority, and predestined to fulfill the purpose of that which had been predetermined. The “Majesty Of His Word,” the “Language of God.” The “Language of God,” “Covenant.” The “Language of Covenant.” A Language of Divine Substance set to an internal time clock. Every Word predetermined to be and predestined to be released according to its position in time. A movement of absolute Fidelity between God and His Word. A Spiritual Timepiece so precise, God has set the nations by it. A Prophetic Watch over the Nations moving according to the Laws of Seedtime and Harvest.
“A Masterpiece of Divine Intent”
The Masterpiece of Creation and Redemption had begun. The Architect of all creation had drawn up His Eternal Blueprint. In the “Majesty of Hidden Foreknowledge” God would create the Universes according to His Eternal Plan. The building material used, the “Word of the Living God.”
The life of a New Creation would begin through a succession of Covenants. God would begin by revealing Himself, “Let there be light.” [Genesis 1:3] This Light, the Light of the “Knowledge of God.” The “Center of Presence,” Adonai, the Source of Life of a New Creation. In the midst of the darkness, God had made His Presence known. The “Light of His Presence” in the midst of the darkness.
An extraordinary Relationship began to unfold. The Relationship between God and His Word. God would speak and His Word would be. “I AM.”
From the vastness of space to that which was formless and empty the dawn of time had been awakened to reveal an “Eternal Covenant.” The “Majesty of His Word,” the Seed of Life of a New Creation. Spoken through the “Breadth of the Almighty,” the Word of Truth would be sown in the fertile soil of “Divine Covenants.” Set to the Eternal Heartbeat the Rhythm of Divine Life would bring to fulfillment the Covenants of the Father’s Heart. At the very Heart of the Covenants of God the “Son of the Living God.” “Yeshua.” The darkness that had befallen men’s hearts, separating man from the Light of “God Consciousness,” would once again be encountered by the “Light of His Presence.” Creation’s Redemption had come. Coming from the Galilee and moving toward the Jordan, God would declare, “Let there be Light.” [Matthew 3:13] The word and spirit that had plummeted man into an image of moral darkness would now be encountered by “The Light” it could not overcome. The “New Covenant” Yeshua, the Word of Adonai’s Spirit. Coming with the Blood of His Father, Yeshua had come to Redeem the Covenants God had made with man. Within these Covenants the “Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom Of God.”
Yeshua the Firstfruit of a New Creation created in the image of Adonai, conceived of His Seed of Truth, and Born Again of His Spirit had come to harvest all that His Father had sown. The “New Covenant” the “Covenant of His Majesty and Divinity,” the Covenant in which all other Covenants would be fulfilled, had come to declare:
“I AM the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me
will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes
in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”
"In Jesus The Messiah,"
"Ministry Of Miracles"
Bari Fox CEO Founder