Ministry of Miracles

Sixth Publication


The Lord took man and put him the Garden of Eden
to cultivate and care for it. And the Lord God commanded
the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge
[conscience-consciousness] of good and evil, for
when you eat of it, you will surely die.”
[Genesis 2:15-17]

Before the fall, Adam and Eve walked in the “Majestic Consciousness of the Spirit of God.” The Garden of Eden had been prepared by God to received Love’s highest form of expression in all creation, man created in the “Image Of God.”

Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of the Spirit of God, walked and enjoyed fellowship with God, and were innocent of any encounter with the spiritual knowledge of evil. They were given dominion, by God, over that which God had created. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” [Genesis 1:28] God issued a command forbidding them to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when they did they would surely die. There were to live their Life of fellowship at the “Tree Of Life.”

This Glorious Spiritual Life of God’s Goodness, that was given to Adam and Eve, was about to be challenged and exchanged for a spiral fall into the spiritual darkness of all moral depravity. This was the death sentence God had warned Adam and Eve about, through a commandment.

The rebellion of Adam and Eve, against the authority of God’s Word, would thrust a whole creation into the fall. Man would now suffer banishment from the Garden of Eden, separation from God, and would now be denied any access to partaking of the “Tree of Life.” Living the Life of fellowship in the Spirit of God Consciousness was about to end. Adam and Eve were about to be separated from the very Life God had created them to “Share with Him and enjoy.” The sinful nature would become the conscience of man.

Once again, satan would lead a rebellion against God. Satan’s plan, to overthrow the Glory of God’s Consciousness, the Nature of God in man The Life that was to “Majestically Rule and Reign” with dominion over all that God had created, was about to be relinquished.

Once again, satan would launch a rebellion against the Kingdom Of God. This time, he would wage ware against God’s most precious of all creation. His target would be man. His mission to remove man from the “Garden Of Eden.” His goal, to overthrow the Word of God man was given, by introducing and having man ingest the spiritual fruit they were forbidden to eat. The spiritual fruits man was about to be offered were the spiritual fruits that contained the “spirit and word of death.”

Adam and Eve would now be approached by satan, directly and indirectly. Knowing that God had created with freedom of choice, satan would present his offering through deception, seduction, and lust. The place he would meet [directly] with Eve would be the realm of her soul, the place of suggestion, reason and choice. She would eat of the fruit and then she would meet [indirectly] with her husband at the realm of his soul, maker her offering and he would eat.


Man would now be separated from the very “Spirit and Life” they were created to enjoy, “God Consciousness.”

“The Rebellion,” the spirit of heresy, anarchy, and treason, would now enter in and corrupt Creation:

“Surely you will be like God,” ” the fruit of exchange.”

Man would now suffer the sin consciousness of the fall. Man had chosen to live independent of God. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil had thrust man into a moral darkness of “self-existence” spirited by the deception of self-influence, the ability to choose for ones-self. The state of madness; every decision made according to the knowledge of good and evil, for self-life. Choices would now be made rooted in fear, pride, greed, and self-absorption. Believing that no longer would dependency on God be necessary, fellowship with God was broken.

The enemy danced about his victory for a moment, but little did he know that this “Revolt” against God and His Creation was going to put him away forever. Hidden in the Mysteries of God was a Plan.


Hidden in the womb of woman was the Seed of God. [Genesis 3:15]

This Seed, predestined before the foundations of this world were laid, for a “Glorious Destiny.” Within this Seed, the Spark of Life that would Birth the Light of a New Creation. From out of the ashes of the fall would come a Creation of Sons and Daughters for God. The “Word Of God” [Rev. 19:13] would once again Champion and through the “Blood Of Redemption” a New Creation of Sons and Daughters of the “Seed Of Truth,” would be born. “Righteousness” would make the way and pay the debt for mankind. “JESUS” would rise to be the “Firstborn” of a “New Creation,” created in the “Image Of God.” The “Way” to the “Tree Of Life” would once again be opened. The Invitation of Jesus:

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and
burdened and I will give you rest.” Take
my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for
I am gentle and humble in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. For my yoke
is easy and my burden is light.”
[Matthew 11:28-30]

 "In Jesus The Messiah,"


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