Ministry of Miracles
Fifth Publication
“For the “Life of the Creature is in the Blood” and I have
given it to you to make “Atonement” for yourselves upon
the altar; for it is the “Blood” that makes “Atonement” for
one’s life.” [Leviticus 17:11]
The “Mystery of this Scripture” was a preamble of something to come that would be so “Majestic,” it surpassed all human and natural comprehension. The “Mystery of this Scripture,” kept hidden until the time that God has predetermined, would reveal the Plan of God’s Redemption.
God would send One, coming with the “Gift Of Life.” This “Offering” that was about to be made was not man’s offering on the altar to God, but God’s “Offering” on the Altar to mankind:
“Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”
[John 1:29]
God was now about to reveal His Glory. “The Glory of God,” the very “Life of God Himself.” “For the Life of the Creature is in the Blood.”
“The Glorious Life Of God In the Glorious Blood of Messiah.”
Man was about to be presented with an “Offering” by his Creator, to become a New Creature, through the “Blood of Life.” The Redeemed Nature would be the Nature of the “New Creation in Christ Jesus.”
Through the Cross, the fallen nature would now be dealt its fatal blow and the kingdom of Satan would be shaken and defeated from its very foundations. First, the Atonement for mankind, as God poured out “His Life Blood” for the World, then Jesus dealt with Satan.
Jesus defeated Satan spiritually and legally. Jesus offered up to God a sinless life, a “Perfect Sacrifice,” for God. Jesus took upon Himself the sinful nature of the flesh and never sinned. The flesh was put to death. “Jesus,” the only one who could satisfy the “Laws Of God’s Righteousness.” “Jesus,” the only One who could fulfill all the “Laws Of God’s Righteousness.”
“God sent “Life” to swallow up death.”
Jesus could not be taken by death for death had no hold, no legal rights to Him. The only way Jesus could die would be to give Himself over to death, to surrender Himself unto death.
Who, being in the very nature, God, did not consider equality with God
something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature
of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance
as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient unto death –
even death on a cross! [Philippians 2:6-8]
According to the “Laws Of God’s Righteousness,” death could not take Jesus, nor could death hold Jesus, for Jesus never sinned against the “Laws Of God’s Righteousness.”
Satan knew, Jesus came to pay the price for sin. Satan knew, Jesus came for His People. Satan knew, Jesus became sin for man and thought he had the
What Satan did not know was that when Jesus Christ came, He came with
“The Rights to the Resurrection.”
Satan had no “legal ground” to keep Jesus.
Jesus truly Passed-Over from death unto Life. May all truly be Blessed during this time of the “Blood Of The Lamb’s “Passover.”
"In Jesus The Messiah,"
"Ministry Of Miracles"
Bari Fox CEO Founder