Ministry of Miracles
Eleventh Publication
“The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the
earth had become, and that every inclination of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.”
[Genesis 6:5]
Judgment is coming upon the earth. The atrocities that have stood with blatant disregard, before the “Face Of Righteousness” are now being confronted. The wickedness that has defiled the earth through idolatry, greed, lust and perversions is being judged. There is a great shaking taking place around the World as kingdoms are being shaken from their very foundations. Nations that enjoyed the security of safe borders are now taking up arms, in a rush to protect themselves. The hearts of the nations have become so diseased, pumping idolatry, corruption, and moral decay throughout the land, leaving lands weak, vulnerable, and naked as their borders lay exposed in their shame. Unrepentant sin.
“Unless the Lords build the house, its builders labor
in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the
watchman stand guard in vain.” [Psalms 127:1]
Unless “Righteousness” builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless “Righteousness” guards over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Waves of God’s “Righteous Judgments” are being released from Heaven, reaching the shores of the nations, and all is being judged according to “His Righteousness.” The heavens and the earth, feeling the birth pains, are trembling in the “Presence of His Majesty.”
There will be no natural means of escape from this Spiritual Tidal Wave. It shall reach the shores of every man’s heart, bringing the Message of the Gospel of “Repentance and Forgiveness.” The pride and vanity of men that has plunged the nations into darkness and despair is now going to be encountered by an End-Time move of God’s Grace and Mercy that will be unprecedented.
The Opportunity of choosing “Life” over death is going to be “Poured Out” to the nations. This “Outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit” is going to produce a harvest of souls unlike that in all of history.
Within this Tidal Wave is a message to God’s House.
All God’s People are being called into Waves of Repentance and Cleansing. No longer will compromising the “Foundations of Truth,” for methods of trial and error, be tolerated. The “robes of hypocrisy” worn by the Priests and Prophets, in exchange for the “Priestly Garments” of God, has left God’s leaders clothed in weakness, without “Righteousness and Power” to Consecrate God’s children in Spirit and Truth. The children of God have gone unfed, not bearing the Fruits of Repentance, God-Consciousness, and Deep Personal Relationship.
The First Commandment to “Worship-Love the Lord Thy God and serve Him Only,” has been sabotaged by a weakened message of Grace that lacks accountability to the “Righteousness of the Laws of God.” Jesus declared, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” To fulfill the “Righteousness of God.” That through the Father’s Love, the “Laws of God’s Righteousness” would be fulfilled, through “Grace.”
“This is Love, that we walk according to His
Commandments. This is the Commandment, that
you have heard from the beginning, you should
walk in it.” [2 John 6]
The House Of God is being called into higher standards of His Holy Spirit. The “Code of Dress,” required, will be “Priestly Garments.” The Commission, to go into all the World and preach the Good News to all creation. The Standard of His Administration will be “Righteousness and Holiness.” “The Commandment to Love.”
"In Jesus The Messiah,"
"Ministry Of Miracles"
Bari Fox CEO Founder