Ministry of Miracles
Fourth Publication
“We are about to embark upon, in this End Time, a move of God that is going to be “Unprecedented.” Front “Out of His Sanctuary” is coming the “Outpouring Of His Holy Spirit.” This is going to be released as a “Spiritual Tidal Wave,” upon this Earth. Once gain, we are hearing the Divine Trump of God, through His Servants the Prophets, of the “Coming” of a Divine Move of God. The “Revelation of this Event,” is being “Heralded” around the World.” [Amos 3:7]
The true Prophet cannot declare this Move Of God, without addressing the heart condition of God’s People.
The true Prophet is coming wielding a “Double Edge” Sword of the Spirit. With one edge the Prophet is declaring “His Coming,” the second edge the “Message of Personal Condition and Preparation.”
In the Desert of Sinai the People of Israel that God had Redeemed out of Egypt, were now to encounter the Word of the “Two Edged Sword.” First, the “Reality,” they were now going to meet with “God Most High” and stand before “the Holy One Of Israel,” the second, the fear and reality of their own existence and condition, as they stood before “A HOLY GOD.” The Prophet of God, Moses, was now commanded by God to declare His People, first, they were about to be encountered by a “Sovereign Visitation from God.” Second, cleansing and Consecration would be an absolute requirement for this “Most Holy Meeting.” [Exodus 19]
In the time of Moses the Prophet, cleansing was the ceremonial washing of the outer garments, the outer court. [Exodus 19:10] God said to Moses, “Today and Tomorrow, Consecrate the People by having them wash their garments, be ready, get yourselves ready by the third day, for on that day I Am going to Appear to My People.”
“God is about to do again what He has done before.”
Once again, the World is about to be encountered by a “Divine Visitation from Heaven.”
To “God’s People,” the “Message of Preparation,” to begin the Process of “personal” Preparation for Consecration. Unlike before, this cleansing will not take place at the outer court, with the outer garments. This time, through the Blood of Messiah Yeshua, the Eternal has made the Way into the internal. No longer will it be the blood of bulls and goats and a ritual cleansing, that will not satisfy “The Conscience Of the New Covenant,” but beginning with the internal, how much more will the Blood Of Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit, offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the Living God. [Hebrews 9:13-14]
The Call now to God’s People is “Consecration through inner Cleansing and Purification”. Any violation to that which is HOLY is going to be brought to the Light of His Presence, for cleansing. Through repentance, the way is made for Purification and Consecration.
“Salvation” is a “Priestly Garment.” As the People of God, we are now being made ready to stand before Him in the “Robe of our Salvation.”
Once again, “The Kingdom Of Heaven” is about to Honor us and Grace us with “God’s Majestic Presence” by His “Divine Visitation and Appearance.”
We must prepare. “Our Garments” will be Priestly and our Expression will be that of “True Worship.” “For My People Shall Worship Me,”
"In Jesus The Messiah,"
"Ministry Of Miracles"
Bari Fox CEO Founder