Ministry of Miracles

"From The Pen Of My Father's Spirit"  - To Those in Trial

To Those In Trial:

     Why do you curse [murmur and complain] what you do not understand. Who is your Judge but the Lord.

     Has God, now, not afforded you the opportunity to test, examine, and experience all that you have taken up to be of truth and righteousness. Your thoughts, your words, your deeds, your decisions, your obedience, and your beliefs. Is this not a moment of God’s Grace?

     Do you not recognize the time of truth and purging? Purging of all things that have masqueraded and presented itself as Righteousness that comes from God, but in truth are unforgivenesses, oppositions, and opinions the very things that keep us separated from God. What a moment of truth.

     So, if you wonder, “Why the shakey ground?” It is not written, “I will shake all things, and all things will be shaken that can be shaken.”

     I write to you in His Love. Is this not the Mercy of God, to shake from us all the pretenses, all the arguments that set itself up and exalt itself against the Righteousness established in our lives. The very Foundations of our beings and the very existence of our minds and hearts.

     Let us be faithful to contend for the “Faith,” which was entrusted to us, and let us guard the “Gift of Grace” which was “Purchased” at such as Great Price, with the “Precious Blood” of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not allowing His Grace to be used as a platform for any type of morality:

     Colossians 3: 7-10

Colossians 3: 12-14
  Colossians 3: 15-17

     Be careful and choose wisely what you take the hand of fellowship with and the food you choose to partake of. Be no respecter of persons, but acknowledge only that which produces “Fruits Of Righteousness.”

     Taking your position in the Church, garment yourself with humbleness, humility, and intercession allowing submission to the “Father” to be your example and reflection to the Church.

     Set your mind and heart to do what is good and right, in the Sight of God and persevere to “One Focus” which is the Lord. Keep your eyes fixed on Him, the “Author and Perfecter” of your Faith, casting away anything that would come to draw your focus or seduce you away from this path. [Hebrews 12]

Remain Steadfast because He remained Steadfast:

Be kind for He is Kind
Be loving for He is Love
Be compassionate for He is Compassion
Be forgiving for he became Forgiveness
Be merciful for He is Mercy
Be gentle for His is Gentle
Be humble for He is Humble
Be faithful for He is Faithful
“Give because He gave.”

     In the Hand of the Great Shepherd, being sustained in His Great Love and Mercy.

In Messiah’s Love,

Bari Fox CEO/Founder

As for me, I am still under the scalpel of the Master’s Hand.

Proverbs 3 & 4