Ministry of Miracles

"Unmasking The Lies"

"The Democratic Party Needed A Cause"

Ministry of Miracles

Throne Room Ministry

Prophetic Impartations “2020”


“Unmasking the Lies”

“The Democrat Party Needed a Cause”


  Bankrupt of the ability to cause others to flourish and prosper, the Democrat Party, a Party of predators, had selected their prey in order to advance their cause.  Motivated by greed of lust for power, they moved through the decades.  The Democrat’s plan was not to increase a people, but to be increased by a people. As they deceived and amassed the “votes” of millions, the so-called Party of the People would become its greatest enemy.

   Cites, cities have fallen!  The cities where they rule became the slums of America.  The Democrat Party would become the “slumlords of the impoverished.”  The Democrat Party would become the “lord of the slums” as they ingratiated themselves, earning this “title.”

   To the African-American Community, the Democrat Party, a Plantation Party of taskmasters, giving new definition to this word, would ambush multiple millions of people through empty promises, false hope and demoralization.  Robbed of their heritage from the womb, generations of aborted African-American babies would never see the light of day.

   The Democrat Party’s dependence upon you would be masked by the “Lie” that you needed them.  The Democrat Party could not allow the African-American people to prosper.  Their prosperity would mean they would no longer need to be dependent upon the Democrat Party and would invest their votes in a capitalist system that would prosper them.

“Your success would mean their failure.”

   The Democrat Party’s insidious plan would enslave a people to serve this master.  The African-American Community would become their “cause” and the promotion of “racism” would become their “Lie” that would divide a Nation.

   The Democrat Party would morph into the Party of Marxism.  Groomed for decades, the college campuses of America would become the incubator, breeding ground and propagator of this insidious disease called Marxism.  The Marxist Professors and college campuses would stand ready and positioned to receive America’s children to prepare them for anarchy.  The youth of America would become infected by a disease of hatred that would desensitize them, robbing them of any empathy.

   As foot soldiers of this morphed Party, the college youth, an arm of this Party along with other anarchist movements, would be sent into the cities and towns of our Nation to burn down our cities, to beat and murder our citizens, to steal and to destroy.  Also groomed, those for State, City and Local Government offices, Democrat Mayors in charge of police departments, who would be working in conjunction with these foot soldiers, would give stand down orders to Law Enforcement as they watched their cities burn. Governors of these states would assist in this, putting strongholds on their states, shutting them down.

   How could academia along with this Political Party ambush multiple millions of people and marshal them to this movement of hatred and anarchy? The “Lie,” all are “Victims.”  Victims of what?  “Racism.” Victims of a racist Nation.  “All things racist,” Our Nation, its people, its prosperity.

   Driven by a global covetous spirit and a lack of moral conscience, the Democrat Party has betrayed our Nation and its People in their lust for power and control.  Backed by global monies and interests, our elections became corrupted by voter fraud, buying corrupt politicians, buying elections and a corrupt news media, an arm of this Marxist Party, that would promote their propaganda.

   The Marxist Party has been hiding behind the Democrat Party “in name only.” The goal of this party is to take control of our Nation, its government and its people. To plunge our county into a darkness of “Totalitarian Rule,” completely foreign to this Nation, a Nation Endowed by its Creator and founded on the principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, thus shredding our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Declaration of Independence. This so-called Democrat Party would put a noose around the neck of this Nation until its very last breadth of Liberty was gone.

   The African-American Community has believed this so-called Democrat Party for decades. If you want to know where it will leave you, see where it has left them.             


     Why would the Governors and Mayors of these states and cities allow this anarchy in their states and in their cities, shredding the “Rule of Law?” They have rejected all help offered by Our President to restore order.  Why?  They are preparing for a government takeover. The enemy is within our Nation.  The suffering of the African-American Community is a window into what is coming if we allow this Marxist Party to take control.


   We have a President standing ready to take this County to its next level.  He has withstood the winds of adversity. In His first four years in Office, He has been tried and tested by a political party that has created chaos and has tried to destroy His Presidency, denying the “Will of the People.”

   In the midst of this present pandemic, He turned factories into wartime facilities.  Automotive and aircraft manufacturers, along with many other fields of manufacturing, became producers of ventilators while workers of textiles and plastics began making masks and protective garments for our nurses, doctors, first responders and Our People.  Everyday citizens began to take part and “Unite,” contributing in this effort as One Nation, inspired by a President who showed us we could do more than we ever thought we could do and become more than we  ever thought we could become.

   Our President sent the Naval hospital ships Comfort and Mercy to the East Coast of New York and the West Coast of California to care for those afflicted by this virus.  He turned the Javitz Center into a hospital for the people of New York.  President Trump called upon the scientific and medical community, sparing no expense, to find a cure for this plague unleashed upon our Nation and the world.  This so-called Democrat Party has tried everything to destroy this man, but the “One” who is with him is Greater.

   We must remember where we were as a Nation before this virus.  We were beginning to breathe again after years of being suffocated by a Democrat-controlled government and its regulations.  Multiple millions of jobs were being created.  People of all color and ethnic backgrounds were returning to work, restoring their dignity.  Multiple millions of people were coming off welfare rolls, a demoralizing program of the Democrat Party to keep their plantation going.  Our Nation’s honor was being restored and the “True Rule of Law” was now confronting and exposing the levels of corruption within our Government.

   Our Founding Fathers escaped an oppressive government and came to a land to Establish a more Perfect Union.  We are fighting for the Life and Liberty of our Nation.  It is time for us to rise up as a Nation and protect our Land and our Country that ha given us so much.

   There is a sound moving across our Land.  The sound,

“A Political Call to Arms.”

        The Marxist Party that has been moving within the ranks and has taken over the Democrat Party is now being “unmasked.”

   Our most powerful weapon to protect our Liberty and to protect our Country is our “Vote.” The “Lie,” “All Things Free, Government will provide for you,” has destroyed the life and prosperity of every nation it has deceived.

There is but “One Truth” that remains “Self-Evident:”


“The Lord is My Shepherd”

I Shall Lack Nothing


“One Nation Under God” 

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